Buche Dir unkompliziert ein kostenfreies Kennenlerngespräch mit mir!
Ich nehme mir 30 Minuten Zeit, um Dich, Deine persönliche Situation und Dein Anliegen kennenzulernen. Gemeinsam entscheiden wir, ob und wie Dich mein Coaching bei der Erreichung Deiner individuellen Ziele unterstützen kann.
Ich freue mich auf das Gespräch mit Dir!
Flexible self-paced learning
Everything you need to know:
What's included:
8 progressive modules
17 hours of video lessons
20 page PDF workbook
Revision test for each module
Goal planning worksheet
Progress chart
3 months of email support
Private FB group membership
1. Why we become stuck
2. The importance of mindset
3. Practicing new habits
4. What is important to you?
5. Effective goal setting
6. Developing a plan
7. Navigating the path
8. Implementing your new skills
How it works:
Once registered for the course, head to the course page and enter the password provided. You can log in to the course page at any time, your access does not expire.
From the comfort of your own home make your way through the modules, beginning with the basics and building on your knowledge. Work through the included PDF course book and exercises, and revise the content at the end of each module with a short test.
Receive 25% off the cost of group sessions or one-on-one coaching if you would like more interactive training on completion of the online course.